Noviembre 11, 2017

What's new in the Knox Tizen SDK for Wearables v2.2

Samsung Knox News

The Knox Tizen SDK for Wearables v2.2 is now available for download. This version includes new features that enhance wearable device management, security, and customization.


New features in Knox Tizen SDK for Wearables v2.2

The Knox Tizen SDK for Wearables API functions are divided into two categories: Standard / Mobile EMM and Customization. In version 2.2 of the SDK, the following features have been added:

Standard / EMM

  • Certificate management — Install or remove certificates in Gear devices.
  • Notification policy management — Control the display of notifications by each package in WPC mode.
  • S/W updates — Control S/W updates by setting user permissions and restrictions.
  • Airplane mode — Toggle airplane mode on/off remotely on the Gear device.


  • Boot animation — Customize boot and/or shutdown animations.
  • Watch face —Change to a custom watch face while in WPC mode.
  • Home key mapping — Set an application to launch when home key is double pressed.

To download the new SDK, enroll with SEAP.


Existing features in Knox Tizen SDK for Wearables

The list below just summarizes all the great features already available in the Knox Tizen SDK for Wearables:

Standard / EMM

  • App management — You can install, update, and uninstall apps; start and stop apps; wipe app data; allowlist and blocklist apps that users can install from the Gear app store; disable preloaded apps; and get details about installed apps (version, CPU usage, data usage, memory usage, and so on).
  • Wearable device management — You can also get device info and available storage capacity; restrict incoming and outgoing calls and SMS; enable call logging, SMS captures, and stats; inject events like calls and get screen captures.
  • Security — Set up password requirements for unlocking devices; encrypt stored data; set up a firewall to allow or prohibit sources from accessing devices; and disable features like the  microphone, screen captures, Internet sharing, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, tethering, USB usage, external storage, desktop syncs, and backups.


  • ProKiosk mode — Enable ProKiosk mode to restrict the wearable device to a single app and limit the functionality of the device.
  • Bluetooth — Toggle the Bluetooth state.
  • Moment bar — Show or hide the moment bar and notifications while in ProKiosk mode.
  • Connectivity — Control connectivity by enabling or disabling Wi-Fi, mobile data, and roaming.


Next steps

 To download the latest Knox Tizen Wearable SDK or learn more, please visit SEAP.

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  • ¿Ya compró Samsung Care+ for Business? Cree una cuenta y active su plan en la consola Samsung Care+ for Business.

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  • Obtenga soporte técnico eficiente de un administrador de cuentas dedicado con el Soporte técnico empresarial.
  • Cree dispositivos a medida para su empresa mediante Samsung Software Customization Service.