Febrero 19, 2018

Android Enterprise and Samsung Knox: Your questions answered here

Samsung Knox News

As of Android Oreo, IT admins can seamlessly update from Android Enterprise management features to the more robust Samsung Knox solutions. Here are some common questions that the Samsung Support team has received about this new workflow:


Q: How do I update from Android Enterprise management features to Samsung Knox?

A: This upgrade path allows IT admins to manage Android Enterprise with Knox policies by activating a Samsung Knox license. Enterprises can now take advantage of both Android Enterprise and Samsung Knox features instead of choosing between the two solutions.


Q: Why are Google and Samsung providing this upgrade path?

A: The two separate solutions, Samsung Knox and Android Enterprise, presented challenges:

  • Enterprises had to evaluate two similar solutions on Android.
  • Enterprises were finding it difficult to differentiate between the features of the two solutions.
  • Enterprises had to delete and replace in order to switch from one solution to the other solution.

To resolve these major customer pain points Samsung and Google worked together to create an upgrade path from Android Enterprise to Samsung Knox.


Q: Is this solution unique to Samsung?

A: Samsung Knox devices include hardware-backed security features. These features may not be available on non-Samsung devices.


Q: Will licensing and pricing options for Knox Platform for Enterprise change?

A: As of now, nothing is changing for Samsung Knox. Pricing and licensing will continue to be as-is until further notice.


Q: What are some benefits of using Android Enterprise on a Samsung device?

A: Samsung devices provide additional security features:

  • Knox Trusted Boot provides additional protections to the device beyond Android Secure Boot
  • Knox Real Time Kernel Protection monitors the device kernel during runtime and prevents tampering of the kernel
  • Knox TIMA mechanisms confirm that the device is in a trusted state
  • A compromised device will not allow Knox Work Profile or Knox Platform for Enterprise to run
  • Enhanced encryption
  • Hardware-based KeyStore


Q: What happens to current customers using Android Enterprise?

A: Any existing implementation of Android Enterprise will continue to operate as before.


Q: Will Knox Premium support this upgrade path?

A: Yes, you can use Knox SDS IAM & EMM to create Android Enterprise and then activate Knox license to take advantage of Knox features along with Android features on the same device.


Q: How can I upgrade from Android Work Profile to Knox Platform for Enterprise?

A: IT admins can activate a Knox license to upgrade an Android Work Profile to Knox Platform for Enterprise. After activating a license, IT admins will be able to deploy both Android and Knox policies.


Q: Which devices support this upgrade path?

A: As long as the Galaxy phone is on Android O, the device supports the upgrade path. Also, once a device with Knox 2.6 or above updates to 3.0, the upgrade path will be available on that device.


Q: How can IT admins benefit from this upgrade path?

A: This upgrade path allows IT admins to manage a single solution with features from both Android and Knox while taking advantage of Samsung Knox security features.


Next steps


IT admins

The Knox Admin Guide

End users

The Knox User Guide


Samsung Knox and Android Enterprise

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[Ícono] información

Seleccione un producto Knox para comenzar:

Paquete todo en uno
Knox Suite
Cambios de marca y personalización
Knox Configure
Protección contra el fraude y el robo
Knox Guard
Plan de protección de dispositivos
Samsung Care+ for Business
Otros productos y servicios

Comience con

[Imagen] Knox Suite

Paquete de soluciones todo en uno para ofrecer movilidad empresarial.

  • Obtenga una prueba gratuita de 90 días para hasta 30 dispositivos.
  • Un conjunto completo de herramientas para proteger, implementar, administrar y analizar los dispositivos corporativos.
  • Pruebe funciones potentes incluidas en el paquete de Knox Suite.

Knox Suite incluye lo siguiente:

Knox Mobile Enrollment Gratuita
Knox Manage
Knox Asset Intelligence
Knox Platform for Enterprise Gratuita
Soporte remoto de Knox
Knox Capture
Knox Authentication Manager

Comience con

[Imagen] Logotipo de Knox Configure

Personalice sus dispositivos Samsung y cámbieles la marca.

  • Obtenga una prueba gratuita de 90 días para hasta 30 dispositivos.
  • Configure de forma remota los dispositivos Samsung en masa y personalícelos según las necesidades específicas, desde el primer momento.
  • Configure sus dispositivos para una implementación de una sola vez o actualícelos cuantas veces quiera.

Comience con

[Ícono] Logotipo de Knox Guard

Protección contra el fraude y el robo para dispositivos Samsung.

  • Obtenga una prueba gratuita de 90 días para hasta 30 dispositivos.
  • Reduzca los riesgos financieros y proteja los activos mediante el control remoto de dispositivos Samsung.
  • Pruebe todas las funciones de Knox Guard, incluidos el control de SIM y el bloqueo de dispositivos.

Comience con

[Imagen] Logotipo de Samsung Care Plus For Business

Planes de protección de dispositivos para dispositivos Samsung.

  • Limite las interrupciones empresariales con reparaciones y reemplazos de dispositivos rápidos. Comuníquese con el equipo de ventas de Samsung para comenzar.
  • Vea toda la cobertura para dispositivos e información de reclamaciones en un solo lugar.
  • ¿Ya compró Samsung Care+ for Business? Cree una cuenta y active su plan en la consola Samsung Care+ for Business.

Otros productos y servicios

[Imagen] Otros logotipos

Soluciones modernas para abordar sus necesidades únicas.

  • Obtenga soporte técnico eficiente de un administrador de cuentas dedicado con el Soporte técnico empresarial.
  • Cree dispositivos a medida para su empresa mediante Samsung Software Customization Service.