2월 8, 2019

Essential mobile device policy considerations for growing businesses

Jim Haviland


Employees at virtually every business, regardless of size, are increasing their use of smartphones for work. More mobility is almost always good for business, but companies need to take control of mobile usage to manage risk and maximize productivity. Every business should have sensible mobile device policies, and most should deploy a mobile device management (MDM) solution that provides control over operating systems, apps and device access.

The first policy bridge to cross is whether you provide the devices yourself or manage a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy. Some businesses choose BYOD for economic reasons, although rigorous analysis suggests corporate-liable devices actually cost less.


What to include in your mobile device policy

Regardless of which path you choose, it is essential to put a firm policy in place. For example, you should require employees to update operating systems promptly. If you own the devices and operate an MDM, this is easy. If you choose BYOD, you can at least create a policy requirement stating that employees must apply OS updates as soon as they are available. This will reduce the risk of device compromise and demonstrate that you are making a reasonable effort to protect customer data.

Be clear with your staff about your intention to protect company data while also honoring their privacy. Without transparency on these points, employees might assume the worst and work against you. Set rules about what sorts of work can be done on personal devices and what sorts of work should be done only on company-owned devices. This should extend to what sort of personal use can happen on corporate technology, including what sorts of media and apps are considered inappropriate for the workplace or a threat to mobile security.

If you are BYOD, be sure to monitor your compliance with state and federal rules involving compensation, reimbursements and benefits for corporate usage of employee-owned devices. This is an area where BYOD can become problematic.


Elements of a sound mobile device policy

Implementing the following requirements in your device policy will help to address your greatest risks.

  • Any device that is used to access information associated with your business must meet minimum security and management standards, as outlined in the policy.
  • Security and management standards should be subject to change and managed by an automated MDM tool that will restrict device access or remove company information in response to perceived threats.
  • Devices should be locked when not in use, with encryption enabled.
  • If a device is lost, stolen or misplaced, management must be notified immediately. Part of making this policy work is (1) making certain information is stored off the device in the cloud and (2) communicating that in the event the device is wiped, the data will be saved. If people believe their information will be preserved during a remote wipe, they will be quicker to admit when they have misplaced it.
  • Policy should be spelled out in a document from HR or top management that makes it clear that compliance is a condition of employment.

If you are rolling out a policy for the first time, be aware that you will likely be making updates as your usage matures, the devices evolve and the threat landscape changes. Assure employees that you will re-evaluate the policy as you go, especially if you expect some people to be wary of increased device control.


How to manage your policy with MDM

With your policy written and communicated, you will need a toolset to monitor and enforce your policy. MDM packages have matured over the past decade to include a wide range of controls, content management functions (to share documents or restrict their distribution) and mobile app and website management capabilities.

The following common MDM controls can help you choose the right solution.

  • Require a passcode: The most basic security feature of smartphones, on-board encryption, doesn’t happen until there is a passcode on the device. Fingerprint scans and facial recognition are easy to use and reliable, so it isn’t really that much to ask of users.
  • Enforce OS updates: Security vulnerabilities are discovered on a regular basis and then fixed by the makers of the devices and operating systems. Devices running old versions of operating systems remain vulnerable to new threats.
  • Restrict rooted devices: MDM can immediately report devices that have been compromised and block them from accessing company information.
  • Allow only approved apps: Allowlist apps for use on your phones, and prohibit downloading of all other apps.
  • Force regular backups of files and configurations: Take advantage of cloud backup to store data created and collected on devices.
  • Require the use of location services: All devices should be able to be located and managed at all times.
  • Control usage: By specifying Wi-Fi networks and using geofencing, you can disable devices and generate administrator notifications when a device is removed from a designated area. You can also force devices to reconfigure between shifts or go into a single app or kiosk mode during certain hours.

There are many MDM software packages on the market, mostly offered on a subscription basis. Samsung Knox Manage is a great example of a full-featured but straightforward MDM. It offers consistent management support for all the major operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows 10 and Tizen, so you can include wearable devices and traditional computers in your policy.

Enforcing all these rules is easier when you own the devices. If your plan is to have mobile devices as part of your operation, it is most certainly easier to purchase devices that you know comply with your minimum requirements, are uniformly manageable by your tools to your policies and can provide a consistent user experience to your users.

If you have sensitive information to manage and reason to use it on the go, buy devices for your employees, use an MDM to make employees very productive while limiting nonbusiness usage, and then sleep well at night.

Small businesses can purchase Knox solutions and devices from approved resellers.

[아이콘] 닫기

삼성 Knox 시작하기

[아이콘] 여행가방
리셀러, 솔루션 공급업체 또는 서비스 공급업체이신가요?

지금 Knox 파트너가 되어 비즈니스 성장을 도모하세요.

[아이콘] 정보

시작할 Knox 제품 선택:

올인원 번들
Knox Suite
리브랜딩 및 맞춤 설정
Knox Configure
사기 및 도난 방지
Knox Guard
디바이스 보호 플랜
Samsung Care+ for Business
기타 제품 및 서비스


[이미지] Knox Suite

기업용 모바일을 위한 일체형 솔루션 번들

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 회사 디바이스를 안전하게 보호, 배포, 관리 및 분석할 수 있는 완벽한 툴 모음입니다.
  • Knox Suite와 함께 제공되는 강력한 기능을 사용해 보세요.

Knox Suite에는 다음이 포함됩니다.:

Knox Mobile Enrollment 무료
Knox Manage
Knox Asset Intelligence
Knox Platform for Enterprise 무료
Knox Remote Support
Knox Capture
Knox Authentication Manager


[이미지] Knox Configure 로고

삼성 디바이스를 리브랜딩하고 맞춤 설정하세요.

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 삼성 디바이스를 대량으로 구매하는 즉시 원격으로 구성하고 특정 요구 사항을 충족하도록 맞춤 구성합니다.
  • 디바이스를 일회성 배포를 위해 설정하거나 원하는 만큼 업데이트할 수 있습니다.


[아이콘] Knox Guard 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 사기 및 도난 방지

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 원격으로 삼성 디바이스를 제어하여 금융 관련 위험성을 줄이고 자산을 보호하세요.
  • SIM 제어 및 디바이스 잠금 기능을 포함한 Knox Guard의 모든 기능을 사용해 보세요.


[이미지] Samsung Care Plus For Business 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 디바이스 보호 플랜

  • 빠른 디바이스 수리 및 교체로 업무 중단을 최소화합니다. 시작하려면 삼성 영업팀에 문의하세요.
  • 한 곳에서 모든 디바이스 보증 범위 및 청구 정보를 확인하세요.
  • 이미 Samsung Care+ for Business를 구매하셨나요? Samsung Care+ for Business 콘솔에서 계정을 만들고 플랜을 활성화하세요.

기타 제품 및 서비스

[이미지] 기타 로고

고객의 고유한 요구 사항을 해결하는 최신 솔루션입니다.

  • Enterprise Tech Support를 통해 전담 계정 관리자로부터 효율적인 기술 지원을 받아보세요.
  • 삼성 소프트웨어 맞춤 설정 서비스를 사용하여 귀사를 위한 맞춤형 디바이스를 만들어 보십시오.
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