1월 27, 2019

Knox Deep Dive: Sensitive Data Protection

Josh Fernandez

Protecting Data-At-Rest (DAR) on mobile devices is a major concern. While the industry standard is to encrypt all data on a device, that data is decrypted and accessible after the device boots successfully. If a device is lost or stolen, a sophisticated attack can extract data from it as long as the device is still running, even if the device is locked.

Samsung created Sensitive Data Protection (SDP) to address this specific issue, and includes SDP in Samsung devices built on the Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE).


What is Knox SDP?

With Knox SDP, selected files remain encrypted at runtime and are decrypted only after device users authenticate themselves at the device lockscreen or Knox Workspace login. Knox ejects decryption keys each time the device or Knox Workspace locks.


Why should I consider Knox SDP?

  • MDFPP-Compliant:

    SDP is certified as meeting the Mobile Device Fundamentals Protection Profile (MDFPP) requirements defined by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) for DAR, meaning that SDP is approved for use by the US government and military. Without Knox SDP, the base Android system is not certified as satisfying MDFPP requirements, which mandates a form of SDP. MDFPP compliance is a requirement for many government agencies and the companies they work with. Samsung has more MDFPP-certified products than any other mobility solution provider.
  • Granular Control:

    App developers and enterprise IT admins can use Knox SDP to protect individual files, databases, and any other sensitive enterprise data.
  • Per-App Password:

    For an added layer of security, app developers and enterprise IT admins can customize Knox SDP so that sensitive data is decrypted only by a per-app password entered by the app user. In this case, the device unlock or Knox Workspace authentication alone does not decrypt app data. An app password is also needed.


How does Knox SDP work?

Knox’s two levels of protection and how they perform when a device is off, locked, or authenticated

The Knox Platform provides two levels of protection for Data-At-Rest:

  • Protected Data

    By default, all data is encrypted when the device is powered off. When the device is powered on, the data is decrypted. The decryption key for Protected Data is tied to the device hardware, making Protected Data recoverable only on the same device.
  • Sensitive Data

    SDP provides an extra layer of security. Unlike Protected Data, Sensitive Data remains encrypted, even after the device boots. Data is decrypted only after the device is unlocked through user authentication. SDP data can't be decrypted in the locked state, only in the unlocked state. The SDP data decryption key is also tied to device hardware, meaning Sensitive Data is recoverable only on the same device and only after successful user authentication.

SDP enables both app developers and enterprise IT admins to label data as “sensitive” to guarantee the data is encrypted and not accessible on locked devices.


Where is Knox SDP used?

Knox SDP is enabled by default to secure the Samsung Email app's email body and attachments.

SDP even handles incoming sensitive data, such as emails and notifications, ensuring it is immediately encrypted and not accessible until the user is authenticated. This encryption uses a public key algorithm. The private key is maintained in an encrypted partition while the public part encrypts the sensitive, newly received data.


Next steps

To learn more about:

  • Other data protection options for Samsung Knox devices, see the KPE Admin Guide.
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[아이콘] 정보

시작할 Knox 제품 선택:

올인원 번들
Knox Suite
리브랜딩 및 맞춤 설정
Knox Configure
사기 및 도난 방지
Knox Guard
디바이스 보호 플랜
Samsung Care+ for Business
기타 제품 및 서비스


[이미지] Knox Suite

기업용 모바일을 위한 일체형 솔루션 번들

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 회사 디바이스를 안전하게 보호, 배포, 관리 및 분석할 수 있는 완벽한 툴 모음입니다.
  • Knox Suite와 함께 제공되는 강력한 기능을 사용해 보세요.

Knox Suite에는 다음이 포함됩니다.:

Knox Mobile Enrollment 무료
Knox Manage
Knox Asset Intelligence
Knox Platform for Enterprise 무료
Knox Remote Support
Knox Capture
Knox Authentication Manager


[이미지] Knox Configure 로고

삼성 디바이스를 리브랜딩하고 맞춤 설정하세요.

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 삼성 디바이스를 대량으로 구매하는 즉시 원격으로 구성하고 특정 요구 사항을 충족하도록 맞춤 구성합니다.
  • 디바이스를 일회성 배포를 위해 설정하거나 원하는 만큼 업데이트할 수 있습니다.


[아이콘] Knox Guard 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 사기 및 도난 방지

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 원격으로 삼성 디바이스를 제어하여 금융 관련 위험성을 줄이고 자산을 보호하세요.
  • SIM 제어 및 디바이스 잠금 기능을 포함한 Knox Guard의 모든 기능을 사용해 보세요.


[이미지] Samsung Care Plus For Business 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 디바이스 보호 플랜

  • 빠른 디바이스 수리 및 교체로 업무 중단을 최소화합니다. 시작하려면 삼성 영업팀에 문의하세요.
  • 한 곳에서 모든 디바이스 보증 범위 및 청구 정보를 확인하세요.
  • 이미 Samsung Care+ for Business를 구매하셨나요? Samsung Care+ for Business 콘솔에서 계정을 만들고 플랜을 활성화하세요.

기타 제품 및 서비스

[이미지] 기타 로고

고객의 고유한 요구 사항을 해결하는 최신 솔루션입니다.

  • Enterprise Tech Support를 통해 전담 계정 관리자로부터 효율적인 기술 지원을 받아보세요.
  • 삼성 소프트웨어 맞춤 설정 서비스를 사용하여 귀사를 위한 맞춤형 디바이스를 만들어 보십시오.
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