8월 31, 2021

How Knox Asset Intelligence helps IT managers control mobile asset problems

Samsung Knox Team

When purchasing corporate devices for employees, one big question for the IT team and asset managers is how they can successfully utilize the assets while minimizing any negative impact on the business.

As a provider for both devices and solutions, Samsung was faced with the same question and requirements when it came to building a tool for managing mobile assets better. And then we found an answer.

Here we have a virtual case study from James, an IT manager working in the retail sector at a company called “Good Depot”. Continue reading to find out how he was able to use Samsung's Knox Asset Intelligence tool to gain peace of mind.

Meet James. James works as an IT manager at Good Depot – a nationwide retail business with thousands of employees, working at stores and warehouses across the country. And most of them are utilizing company-owned smartphones and tablets at their workplaces.


The mobility problems

During multiple years of managing company devices, James came across various problems he hadn't expected at all. Batteries would drain faster than expected. Apps would crash from time to time causing employees to lose their work, but they wouldn't always bother to report that it had happened – making it difficult for James to track down and tackle any issues.


Solved with Knox Asset Intelligence

James discussed this matter with his usual counterpart at Samsung – a mobile solution expert – and that's when Knox Asset Intelligence was introduced as an answer to the problem.

Knox Asset Intelligence, a brand-new solution from Samsung, features a dashboard that provides an overview of battery usage for each app. This makes it easy to pinpoint which apps are causing the battery to drain on a device. James could then disable the app immediately, ensuring Good Depot's work devices were no longer losing uptime from non-optimized apps.

There's also the application status dashboard, which provides error reports for apps with an unusual status. James and his IT team can now check the status of an app at a glance and update them as needed.

Information related to a device's battery, app or location status can be easily accessed from a single, unified web console alongside other Knox solutions.

And to top it off, no additional payment was needed to use Knox Asset Intelligence. James and Good Depot were already using Knox Suite – an all-in-one solution bundle that comes free for 1 year with Samsung Galaxy Enterprise Edition devices. This meant that all James had to do was log in to SamsungKnox.com to start analyzing.


To see how James used the Knox Asset Intelligence console in detail, visit the links below:

Getting started with Knox Asset Intelligence Video Knox Asset Intelligence product pageKnox Asset Intelligence admin guideAdmin Guide

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[아이콘] 정보

시작할 Knox 제품 선택:

올인원 번들
Knox Suite
리브랜딩 및 맞춤 설정
Knox Configure
사기 및 도난 방지
Knox Guard
디바이스 보호 플랜
Samsung Care+ for Business
기타 제품 및 서비스


[이미지] Knox Suite

기업용 모바일을 위한 일체형 솔루션 번들

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 회사 디바이스를 안전하게 보호, 배포, 관리 및 분석할 수 있는 완벽한 툴 모음입니다.
  • Knox Suite와 함께 제공되는 강력한 기능을 사용해 보세요.

Knox Suite에는 다음이 포함됩니다.:

Knox Mobile Enrollment 무료
Knox Manage
Knox Asset Intelligence
Knox Platform for Enterprise 무료
Knox Remote Support
Knox Capture
Knox Authentication Manager


[이미지] Knox Configure 로고

삼성 디바이스를 리브랜딩하고 맞춤 설정하세요.

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 삼성 디바이스를 대량으로 구매하는 즉시 원격으로 구성하고 특정 요구 사항을 충족하도록 맞춤 구성합니다.
  • 디바이스를 일회성 배포를 위해 설정하거나 원하는 만큼 업데이트할 수 있습니다.


[아이콘] Knox Guard 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 사기 및 도난 방지

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 원격으로 삼성 디바이스를 제어하여 금융 관련 위험성을 줄이고 자산을 보호하세요.
  • SIM 제어 및 디바이스 잠금 기능을 포함한 Knox Guard의 모든 기능을 사용해 보세요.


[이미지] Samsung Care Plus For Business 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 디바이스 보호 플랜

  • 빠른 디바이스 수리 및 교체로 업무 중단을 최소화합니다. 시작하려면 삼성 영업팀에 문의하세요.
  • 한 곳에서 모든 디바이스 보증 범위 및 청구 정보를 확인하세요.
  • 이미 Samsung Care+ for Business를 구매하셨나요? Samsung Care+ for Business 콘솔에서 계정을 만들고 플랜을 활성화하세요.

기타 제품 및 서비스

[이미지] 기타 로고

고객의 고유한 요구 사항을 해결하는 최신 솔루션입니다.

  • Enterprise Tech Support를 통해 전담 계정 관리자로부터 효율적인 기술 지원을 받아보세요.
  • 삼성 소프트웨어 맞춤 설정 서비스를 사용하여 귀사를 위한 맞춤형 디바이스를 만들어 보십시오.
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