8월 8, 2023

Save time while sharing devices in the field: Meet Samsung’s new autofill app

Samsung Knox Team
 인기 이미지

As mobile devices become more integral to everyday business processes, supplying your employees with devices that keep them productive on the job has become more important than ever. With shared devices on the frontline, repetitive, manual device and app sign-ins each time a user picks up a device can get in the way of efficiency. This is where an autofill app can help speed up workflows.


What is an autofill app?

An autofill app such as a password manager, uses the Android autofill framework to save and then autofill user information like usernames and passwords. But sign-in automation goes beyond this to automate entire sign-in flows, creating a single sign-on (SSO) like experience.

With sign-in automation, users don’t need to spend time typing out their username and password for apps that require manual sign-in. Additionally, users won’t have to remember multiple passwords, ensuring the sign-in process isn’t delayed if an incorrect password is entered.

These features mean users spend less time distracted with tedious sign in flows and more time focused on their jobs.

Though, with shared device fleets, you may be concerned with more than just user productivity. For instance, protecting user data should also be top of mind. And many password managers are not well suited for situations when multiple users share the same mobile devices.

This is where Samsung’s Knox Suite adds value to enterprises with shared device fleets. With Knox Authentication Manager, Knox Suite provides the benefits of a highly automated password manager while protecting user data and simplifying device use.


Save time with Samsung’s new autofill app: Knox Authentication Manager

Knox Authentication Manager is a new addition to Knox Suite. It’s an app that essentially functions as an automated password manager for fully managed, Samsung devices.

Knox Authentication Manager works with your UEM to speed up shared device sign-ins. New users first sign into a UEM shared device launcher or Azure AD on a mobile device and then register for Knox Authentication Manager. Currently, Knox Authentication Manager works with three UEMs — Samsung Knox Manage, SOTI MobiControl, and VMWare Workspace ONE. There are plans to enable Knox Authentication Manager to work with Microsoft Intune after the next release.

Once registered, Knox Authentication Manager can use facial authentication to automate shared device sign-ins. After this, Knox Authentication Manager saves and auto fills users’ credentials for work apps that require manual sign-in, providing an SSO like experience even for apps that don’t have SSO enabled.


3 ways Knox Authentication Manager saves you time

Like any password manager, Knox Authentication Manager cuts down on the time users spend entering sign-in information. But with facial biometrics and sign-in automation, Knox Authentication Manager goes a step further in helping users be more efficient.

  1. Improves efficiency with facial biometrics

    Facial authentication allows users to register their face and create a PIN when they enroll for Knox Authentication Manager. Afterwards, to sign into a shared device, users enter their PIN and scan their face, and Knox Authentication Manager automates the sign-in.

  2. Removes authentication friction

    By automating work app sign-ins, Knox Authentication Manager further eliminates authentication friction. After registration, users sign into any of their work apps that require manual sign-in and Knox Authentication Manager will ask them if they want to save their credentials for that app. Once a user has saved their credentials for an app, each time they launch that app in the future, Knox Authentication Manager will automate the sign-in.

  3. Increases productivity by over 70% (among beta users)

    These streamlined sign-in flows produced an average of a 70-80% authentication time savings across beta customers. With sign-in automation, Knox Authentication Manager took the average sign-in time from 30-40 seconds down to 8 seconds. The amount of time saved may vary depending what app a user signs into, but ultimately, Knox Authentication Manager speeds up the process.

    For frontline workers, automating sign-in flows not only increases productivity but also increases safety, particularly for users who work in dangerous conditions.


How Knox Authentication Manager simplifies shared, mobile device use

While the sign-in automation capabilities of Knox Authentication Manager increase productivity and safety by reducing sign-in distractions, it does more than that.

Knox Authentication Manager securely syncs user profiles across your shared devices. This means users can register on one device and then during their next shift, pick up a different device and scan their face after entering their PIN to instantly make it their own. This device to device syncing is coordinated through device groups that are defined by admins or auto-defined based on Wi-Fi subnets.

Knox Authentication Manager has multiple security features in place to help keep personal data secure. With profile syncing, no data is stored to the cloud or a server. This additionally minimizes the work of IT admins who won’t have to manage user profiles or a server where user data is stored.


Knox Suite supports shared device fleets

Ultimately, if your enterprise wants to supply your employees with mobile devices that increase productivity, a password manager solution can help. Yet with managed, shared device fleets, more features are needed.

Knox Suite, with the help of Knox Authentication Manager, has all the benefits of a password manager that automates user sign ins while simplifying device management for a faster, safer shared device experience. Get more hours back in your day with Knox Authentication Manager — find a Knox reseller near you.

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[아이콘] 정보

시작할 Knox 제품 선택:

올인원 번들
Knox Suite
리브랜딩 및 맞춤 설정
Knox Configure
사기 및 도난 방지
Knox Guard
디바이스 보호 플랜
Samsung Care+ for Business
기타 제품 및 서비스


[이미지] Knox Suite

기업용 모바일을 위한 일체형 솔루션 번들

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 회사 디바이스를 안전하게 보호, 배포, 관리 및 분석할 수 있는 완벽한 툴 모음입니다.
  • Knox Suite와 함께 제공되는 강력한 기능을 사용해 보세요.

Knox Suite에는 다음이 포함됩니다.:

Knox Mobile Enrollment 무료
Knox Manage
Knox Asset Intelligence
Knox Platform for Enterprise 무료
Knox Remote Support
Knox Capture
Knox Authentication Manager


[이미지] Knox Configure 로고

삼성 디바이스를 리브랜딩하고 맞춤 설정하세요.

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 삼성 디바이스를 대량으로 구매하는 즉시 원격으로 구성하고 특정 요구 사항을 충족하도록 맞춤 구성합니다.
  • 디바이스를 일회성 배포를 위해 설정하거나 원하는 만큼 업데이트할 수 있습니다.


[아이콘] Knox Guard 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 사기 및 도난 방지

  • 최대 30대의 디바이스에 제공되는 90일 무료 평가판을 사용해 보세요.
  • 원격으로 삼성 디바이스를 제어하여 금융 관련 위험성을 줄이고 자산을 보호하세요.
  • SIM 제어 및 디바이스 잠금 기능을 포함한 Knox Guard의 모든 기능을 사용해 보세요.


[이미지] Samsung Care Plus For Business 로고

삼성 디바이스를 위한 디바이스 보호 플랜

  • 빠른 디바이스 수리 및 교체로 업무 중단을 최소화합니다. 시작하려면 삼성 영업팀에 문의하세요.
  • 한 곳에서 모든 디바이스 보증 범위 및 청구 정보를 확인하세요.
  • 이미 Samsung Care+ for Business를 구매하셨나요? Samsung Care+ for Business 콘솔에서 계정을 만들고 플랜을 활성화하세요.

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